How to document Unit Testing

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Three questions of unit testing

Whenever you talk about unit testing with teams they never tell you what it means to them. They go straight to of course we do and show you 100s of passing tests. Interesting thing is by calling it unit testing everyone thinks they are talking about the same thing. But when you start digging into how they understand it you begin to see that everyone talks about it and understands it differently.

What do the unit tests test?

A selection of responses to the question what do the unit tests test

A unit means different things to different people but we never stop and ask what does a unit and unit testing mean to you? Why? Well that could be risky as you’re potentially questioning someone’s ability. Which probably says more about psychological safety in your team but thats a topics for another day.

A Unit means different things to different people

So what should you call it then? Well maybe as a stop gap just call it what it is a test that checks code; Code test. Now I know what you’re thinking “thats way too generic!” Which is kind of the point because when you do that the first thing people ask is “What’s a code test?” Now you can start the discussion without anyone feeling that you’re questioning their ability.

What are Code tests?

How do you build a team understanding of what it is?

One of the best and easiest ways is to get the team together and pose them three questions:

Three questions to ask teams about unit testing
  • What does a unit mean to you in unit testing?
  • What characteristics make a good unit test?
  • What characteristics make a bad unit test?

Hand out sticky notes or use whatever online tool your team prefer. (Miro is a pretty good online collaborative white board). Then ask each question one at a time. If you can do it in person then doing this in a big room with lots of wall space is best as it allows for people to talk to one-another during the idea generating stage. Allowing them to talk is advantageous as people will build on top of each others ideas. But this may not be practical for distributed teams.

Building a Team Understanding of Code Tests

Once everyone has had a chance to contribute, group and theme the responses. Then as a team look through them and see if there are any contradictions or if anyone strongly disagrees with the groups. If there is then this is a perfect time to build the teams understanding of what code testing is.

Building a Team Understanding of Code Tests

If you’re looking for some inspiration then watching as a group Ian Cooper: TDD, where did it all go wrong and J.B. Rainsberger: Integrated Tests Are A Scam are a good places to start. Both these talks are quite old now so more up-to-date versions maybe available.

You may find that you need to run the sticky note exercise again to build consensus but essentially you want the groups agreement on what a unit is and what are good and bad characteristic of a test. This will give you a high level understanding of what a code test is.

What do you do once you have group agreement?

So You’ve got a high level understanding but you need to turn that group understanding into something more solid. Something that gives them

  • Alignment with each others understanding
  • Autonomy with how they actually implement code level tests
  • But also Accountability so not only is it their responsibility to do but to do it well
autonomy, alignment and accountability

You could just say “look at the code for examples” but as we’ve seen from before this isn’t always the best way as the intent behind the code may not be clear to everyone that reads it.

Ideally it would be something that is lightweight, but not too light that it’s too open to interpretation e.g. sticky notes. But not too heavy either that no one ever reads e.g. 10,000 word essay hidden in a Wiki.

Lightweight documentation

We need to document it in a way that is quick and easy to read and therefore remember.

The best way to demonstrate this is through an example. Now this example isn’t describing code testing (you need to have that discussion with the team first) however it has all the elements we are looking for.

Example principle

The title is short and to the point which makes it easier to remember but also acts like super short summary of the principle itself.

The first paragraph describes what it is about. The language used is really easy to understand too. It takes no effort to read and comprehend. This allows the reader to spend more time understanding the content rather than trying to decipher the words used.

The second and third paragraphs detail good and bad behaviours respectively. Finally they have a list of links that show where they have demonstrated this behaviour.

The great thing about this structure is that each part builds on top of the previous part. The title gets built on by the description. The good and bad behaviours builds on top of the description and the links give concrete examples of those behaviours so the reader can see them in action or even gives them the opportunity to add their own.

Back to the sticky notes

What To Do With The Sticky Notes

You might have worked this out already by those sticky notes will map onto this simple title/description/good/bad framework quite easily. The what does a unit mean to you would be used to write the description of what unit testing is. The key points from the good and bad characteristics would make up the good and bad behaviours descriptions. Finally all those unit tests you have should be used to demonstrate where those good and bad behaviours have been shown in your code base. You’re on your own for coming up with a snappy title.

Autonomy, Alignment and Accountability

You’ve got your lightweight documentation but how does this relate to creating team autonomy, building alignment between developers and making them accountable for their actions?

Building Alignment through a common language

The description is all about what a unit is and gives a common language for the team to use when talking about code testing. This helps to build aliment between team members.

Creating Autonomy through why not how

The good behaviours say nothing about how to write good code tests just what makes a good test within this team. Hence the focus on characteristics during the sticky notes session. The good behaviours coupled with the bad act as guard rails in what we do want and less of what we don’t. This works to keep the developer autonomy as they still have to workout how to actually do it. If they are unsure they have links to where the team have actually implemented tests that demonstrate this behaviour or they can always speak to the other developers.

Autonomy & Alignment enables Accountability

By documenting the principle using easy to comprehend language to build a common team vocabulary and describing behaviours instead of instructions to create autonomy you increase the responsibility within the development team that they are accountable for enabling the principle. Not only that it makes it that much easier for people to find more information and lowers the barrier to approaching the subject in the first place.

One of the great things about documenting things is that you can point at that thing and say you don’t agree which is a lot easier then pointing at a person and saying the same thing.

How Does This Map Onto Alignment Autonomy Accountability?

In Summary

By following this model you can begin to create a team understanding of what unit testing means to them and create a unified language so that they can talk about. It also lowers the barrier to understanding the approach for others which really helps to improve the overall team confidence in what unit testing does and doesn’t give them.

Documenting your teams understanding of unit testing using this lightweight model means that when people eventually leave that knowledge doesn’t leave with them or slowly erode from the teams memory. Another benefit is as new members join the team they can use this to build up their understanding of how the team approach unit testing.

There is a risk that the information does become outdated but you could use the new joiners as motivation for the team to re-visit old principles and see if they are still valid or need updating. You never know by including the new joiner in this process they may add something that you hadn’t considered before and gives them an opportunity to start positively contributing to the team. At a minimum it kicks starts the conversation again and allows the team to visit old assumptions and behaviours.

You could also use this model to document other principles that the team would like to work by all while maintaining their individual autonomy, alignment with one another and emphasising accountability that it’s up to them to make it happen.

Now you can see if it still makes sense calling them code test, unit tests or something else all together.

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